About Me

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Full Time Mom, Wife, Work, Life - Mom to three children (adults), two are college graduates and now own their own homes, and the youngest is in college in NC; wife to Thomas; Work - one full time and multiple part time jobs; Life - whatever you can throw at me....

Saturday, July 31, 2010

CSA Today

Two Tomatoes
Two Potatoes
Two Large Zucchini
Two Yellow Squash
Six Ears of Corn
Two cloves of Garlic
One Onion
One bunch of Beets
One Head of Cabbage

I had a cooking frenzy this evening....Tomatoes as well as onion, garlic and yellow squash are gone...I made Chambot (And that is TOTALLY the wrong spelling).  Then, I made a huge pot of marinara sauce (it isn't done yet, but it will be at 2:00 am when my hubby will put in the fridge for the night).  I made two platters of stuffed cabbage(the center of the cabbage went into the Chambot).  (one platter has soy protein substitute for the meat, so I will eat them).  Tomorrow, if I have some time, I'm trying a Chocolate Zucchini cake recipe and then all I'll have is the corn and beets left from the CSA.....which is basically a no -brainer.  I love it when I can use everything I get........


The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

Wow! Our Italian side always made something roughly pronounced jambrot or giambrot. It starts with a little sauteed garlic and sausage, tomato paste, green pepper, onion, and zucchini. Is that like yours?

Maria said...

That is exactly like ours, but meatless. We throw in whatever came out of the garden that week (yellow squash, cabbage, and any other veggie). We pronounce it cham-bought. And it is definitely the Italian side.....Then they make something else called Bandiera (which means flag) The Italian flag is red, white and green - so you can only use those three color veggies!!!