About Me

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Full Time Mom, Wife, Work, Life - Mom to three children (adults), two are college graduates and now own their own homes, and the youngest is in college in NC; wife to Thomas; Work - one full time and multiple part time jobs; Life - whatever you can throw at me....

Monday, June 28, 2010

Collard Greens

I received Collard Greens in my CSA last week and this week.  I par cooked last weeks batch and froze it.  Last night, I decided to look up a recipe and use it all......my kids did their share of asking what the heck I was doing as they had never seen me cook this before (and in all honestly, I had no idea how it would come out). 

Bacon grease (yep, I saved it from this mornings bacon)
Bacon pieces (real stuff)
Canola Oil
One large onion
Garlic - I don't know how much
1 tsp. sugar,
1 tsp. salt (maybe  a little more)
Italian seasoning (I had to throw it in).

So, I fried up the onion and garlic (the smell made my kids come upstairs) in the bacon fat and canola
added the collards (some was par cooked and some was fresh) and the bacon. Cooked it on low to medium low for a while (at least 1/2 hour).  It started to brown a little and I knew it was just about ready.  Added the sugar and seasonings and told everyone to at least just taste it......

I had one small bowl.  It was great!  My boys raved about it!!!  They and Hope's friend ate the whole pan.  Hope wouldn't touch it (but I expected nothing less). 

Who knew I could make Collard greens!!!  Thank you again Stone Garden Farms.

I wish I took a picture!

1 comment:

The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

It sounds great. Possibly worth planting collard greens next year? I'm quite impressed by the selections you get through the CSA.