About Me

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Full Time Mom, Wife, Work, Life - Mom to three children (adults), two are college graduates and now own their own homes, and the youngest is in college in NC; wife to Thomas; Work - one full time and multiple part time jobs; Life - whatever you can throw at me....

Monday, June 24, 2013

Strawberry Picking

My daughter and I took two of the three trips (just the two boys) on a strawberry picking adventure!

We got quite a few pounds of berries.  The pickings were not as good as other years as we have had soooo much rain.  But we got enough for what we needed.

These photos show some of our bounty.  They don't show me falling off the Berry Ferry with Bruno (what a an idiot, I am), nor the dead bird the boys found on their way to the port-a-potty.  The dead bird and the fall were more of a draw to the boys than the strawberry picking....but we had a great time!  

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