About Me

My photo
Full Time Mom, Wife, Work, Life - Mom to three children (adults), two are college graduates and now own their own homes, and the youngest is in college in NC; wife to Thomas; Work - one full time and multiple part time jobs; Life - whatever you can throw at me....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Freebies Website

For about four or five months, I have belonged to a Freebies website called Allyou.com 

I have to say that I get some great things.  Shampoo, conditioner, makeup, dog food, cat food, bayer aspirin, Soup, soap, coffee, tea, toothpaste, dental floss, teeth whitener, face scrubs, baby wipes, Depends, baby diapers, feminine pads and tampons, Starbucks gift cards (2- $5.00 gift cards to date...for free) and the list goes on and on...

I filled up the kids stockings at Christmas with free stuff (a little crazy, but it was good stuff!).

My family is quite amazed.  Yesterday, I received four free samples: a dog food sample ( I don't own a dog, but the feral cats are happy!), soup packets, teeth whitener, and conditioner for your hair.  Almost every day, I receive something.  I belong to two other freebie sites too, so I check them all each day and sign up for freebies. 

If you have some free time, check it out.  Click on Daily Samples.

A few of the deals need you to be signed up for Facebook.  So, I have missed out on a few opportunities.  I may have to re-join facebook to get more free stuff....I'm thinking about it.  I missed out on free Coffeemate, free hair color and a free power bar in the last week just because I am not on Facebook. 


Nancy said...

That sounds like a great site, Maria. I will check it out because I do love getting free stuff in the mail! :) Thanks for sharing this.

Mug said...

I also will definitely check it out:)...Sounds like good "stuff" they send, too!

Maria said...

Here is another one....


She offers freebies all the time too!