About Me

My photo
Full Time Mom, Wife, Work, Life - Mom to three children (adults), two are college graduates and now own their own homes, and the youngest is in college in NC; wife to Thomas; Work - one full time and multiple part time jobs; Life - whatever you can throw at me....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Freebies Last week

Here is what I got last week free from some of the sites that I visit:

Emergen-C flavored drink mix
6 feminine pads
Post it notes
Head & Shoulders Shampoo and Conditioner -trial sizes
2 diapers (for the trips!)


Nancy said...

If I ever get the urge to drive cross country to stalk my NASA astronaut, I'll look into the diapers! :)

Maria said...

Hi, I'm not sure I understand the comment - the diapers are for the triplets - I always call them the trips in my blog! LOL :)