About Me

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Full Time Mom, Wife, Work, Life - Mom to three children (adults), two are college graduates and now own their own homes, and the youngest is in college in NC; wife to Thomas; Work - one full time and multiple part time jobs; Life - whatever you can throw at me....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A new church

As I had said in an earlier post, I needed to find another church. Mentally, I cannot continue to attend my church.  The priest most unfortunately, has an alcohol issue and I had to deal with alcoholism for way too many years, and I refuse to have to deal with it when I attend mass too.

I had to ask a few questions to the parish secretary at the new church that I wanted to attend (to make sure that I wasn't jumping from one fire to the flame). The new parish priest does not have this issue. Then I had to call my first parish and see if it is still possible to continue to teach catechism at the church (I had already committed for the upcoming school year). I know the kids and I know their families and I really want to continue to teach. And I found out that I CAN continue to teach there.

I am not a priest basher, I have worked for priests for many years (at other parishes). But they are human too, and in their humanness, they have faults. I just wish the fault wasn't in MY parish priest. The hardest part has been to tell Nonni (who has attended my church for probably 70 years) that I (we) won't be going there any longer. She wasn't too happy and I don't blame her. I told her we can go on special occasions. I feel awful about it, truly heartbroken in so many ways.  I did not make this decision lightly. I prayed on it for many months.  I have talked to the trustee, the parish workers and other priests about this.  The other priests are working with this priest and his disease.  I hope they can help him. 

I have made the leap. I am now attending the church of my grandparents. I went with them to this church many, many, many times as a child. It's beautiful inside and out and bright and vibrant and I know I can be happy there.

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