About Me

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Full Time Mom, Wife, Work, Life - Mom to three children (adults), two are college graduates and now own their own homes, and the youngest is in college in NC; wife to Thomas; Work - one full time and multiple part time jobs; Life - whatever you can throw at me....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

And more snow!

We got four inches yesterday morning into the afternoon.  I left work at 1:00 to come home.

Overnight, we got 14 more inches.

Total = 18 inches of snow and no place to put it!!!!!!!!

My daughter and I have been shoveling for a couple of hours.

I am waiting for the plow to do the driveway.  I cannot get out right now.  Hopefully, I can go into work for 1:00 today............I will try to post pictures later!


Nancy said...

That's incredible, Maria. The most we've gotten overnight around here was around a foot and that was last year. I immobilized us for a couple of days.

Don't hurt your back doing all the shoveling!

The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

I was amazed when I saw the news this morning! I feel sorry for you having to shovel that much again. How many storms have we had this year?!
I shudder to think of how the side streets must look back home! There's MUCH less up here.

Maria said...


It is RIDICULOUS here.....And more to come....

I fell like I live in Northern Alaska, literally.