About Me

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Full Time Mom, Wife, Work, Life - Mom to three children (adults), two are college graduates and now own their own homes, and the youngest is in college in NC; wife to Thomas; Work - one full time and multiple part time jobs; Life - whatever you can throw at me....

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Running Again....

I made a promise to myself that I would start running again when my Zumba class was finished (I'm still so sad it is finished!).  I started running yesterday and ran today also.  I ran the whole time (a 5K) (no walking), but my time is not good.  I have almost four weeks to get my act together and get a better time posted.  I'm going to shoot for between 27 and 28 minutes in the race on Labor Day. 

Now that I actually wrote down this goal and POSTED it here, I have to achieve it!  (sort of)

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Oh, yes -- I will be checking on your progress. ;)